A Night at the Theatre - Stake Activity

“A Night at the Theatre” – Stake is inviting our ward to put together a short film of 7 minutes (including Credits) in length. The theme is ‘Silhouettes’. Our ward is required to compose a script that incorporates the theme. This should then be recorded electronically (movie file) and will be viewed by Stake at the Stake Theatre Night on October 24th.

There will be extra points awarded to the wards who produce blooper clips for viewing during our interval on the night of the 24th of October.
  • 31st May – Last day for Scripts to be sent to kitweeden@yahoo.com.au for approval
  • September 13th – Last day for COMPLETED and RECORDED film and bloopers to be sent to KIT WEEDEN for approval
  • 24th October – Night at Theatre – from 5pm
Please begin now to prepare for the night so that this can be a successful event for everyone.